Points to Consider Prior to Making Alterations to Listed Buildings

More people than ever are improving, renovating or extending their homes. Spending more time at home has enabled people to get creative about the use of their current living space.
When it comes to owning a listed building and making changes there is research to be done and regulations to be followed.
Here are some points to consider when you are thinking of making changes to your listed property.
What part of my property is listed?
It is a common misconception that only part of a property is listed but in truth everything that is attached and on the site of the property is listed, also known as curtilage listed, however, not everything is necessarily historically significant. Often the most important parts of the listed building are mentioned in the listing extract description on Historic England’s database but there may well be other important features that are not mentioned but that must be protected. As well as protecting the historic fabric of a building unsympathetic modern additions can severely affect the character and understanding of the place and its relationship with its past.
Where do I find the listing status?
By searching your property on the ‘Historic England Listed Building map’, you will need to input an address or postcode, locate your site on the map. Click the name and the extract will appear.
Do I need Listed Building Consent?
If you wish to make changes to a building or structure that is listed, then the answer is yes. However, if you are making minor, non-invasive repairs using like-for-like materials, then this will be considered a ‘repair’ and does not necessarily require consent. To discuss your specific case it is best to arrange for an architect to visit to assess the areas of structure that will be affected by the proposals.
Do I need Pre-Application Advice?
Seeking pre-planning advice from the Local Authority will give you the planning and conservation officer’s informal view on proposals before you run to the cost of a full planning application. The process can often lead to a smoother full planning process as any concerns/advice covered in the pre-app response can be addressed in the full application. The Local Authority charge for this service and you will be required to submit site information and details of the proposals and this often involves submitting some drawings. It is important to note that pre-app advice is informal and should be taken as guidance only.
Do I need Planning Consent?
Listed buildings do not have any permitted development rights so any work effecting the external appearance of a listed building should have planning consent as well as listed building consent. Internal works, other than like for like repairs, require listed building consent only if the external appearance is unaffected.
Do I need Building Regulations?
If you are undertaking layout changes, structural or not, or alterations to the external envelope of a building then it is likely that building regulation approval is required.
We hope this article is of some assistance, for further advice please feel free to give us a call on 01227 649073.
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